Saturday, February 28, 2015

Silly Hair Blog

Hair.  I hate messing with my hair.  And as I get older, it gets more difficult to ignore it.  

What's that angelic light illuminating my hair - a halo right?

So I was looking through some of my pictures the other day and realized I have been living a terrible lie.  I have always said I hate messing with hair - so you tell me, am I living a lie, or am I just in denial? 

Here is some evidence...

1. When I was in high school I went to a trade school for two years for cosmetology  (in my defense I never got my license)

2. In the 80's I went from Olivia Newton John straight into poodle (I can also attest that the poodle look turned into a very cute Afghan Puppy look)

3. It was all down hill from there - I'm not sure what you see here but let me label them for you...

Whispy and carefree

Short and sassy

Apparently I was gangster once

I don't even know, a terrible attempt at curling?

There are like four different colors in my hair here, fall style? 

Very blonde and apparently I needed to prove that blondes are smarter than they look, or are they? 

I guess this would be my steampunk look,
 what does that even mean?

So, as I look at these, and these are just a few, I realize that I am CONSTANTLY messing with my hair.  But I hate it - I really do.  So there must be some underlying reason why I am in denial.  And why do I think this is something to blog about?  

Well, as you get older, your hair changes - I don't like that.  It's not as vibrant, or flexible, or shiny or thick.  I'm realizing that when I was a bit younger I didn't have to mess with my hair, it just did it's thing - and it was easy. 

Now, not so much - so the fact that hair is becoming difficult is very annoying to me.  I mean there are really only two choices in my empty nesting stage of life...


or this!

I say these are my two choices because as of right now I refuse to go down some of these roads...

- being an old lady with short curly hair 
- acquiescing to the "proper" length, style and color for a "woman my age"
- trying to look like a teenager when my own teenagers are women now
-going gray
-caring what other people think about my hair (as if they really

and finally - caring at all about the fact that I seem totally obsessed with my hair -  I'm not - am I?  

I think I might be a bit of an oxymoron in this writing - but after a couple weeks of crazy I'm feeling kind of  like..."let's write about something that doesn't matter one little bit about anything"

It doesn't matter right???  


  1. haha...oh the hair stages...and you can relax,,,the older you get, it comes down to , I don't give a hoot!!! how nice to concentrate on the less stressful, right Laice?

  2. You are the best person to share a Saturday morning with!! Sure miss alllll of you!! Loved the pictures! You look lovely!! Miss you!!
