Saturday, February 21, 2015

Emergency Road Trip

Well this has been an interesting week.  I had my first emergency road trip as an almost Empty Nester.  Talk about upsetting my OCD way of life!

Of course I emphasize "almost".  Things are a bit more complicated when you are an "almost" empty nester.

First, I get a phone call Monday morning at work that my youngest daughter (Laice) has been rushed to the ER - in Pennsylvania!  I will spare you the gory details, but it didn't sound pretty...

Soooo.... I worked for most of the day until finally Laice was admitted to the hospital.  Ok, now things are getting a little more intense. go or not to go.  Ahh, she's an adult right?  Her sister is with her.  Things will be ok..... SURGERY?!!!   Sick gall bladder and worse than that - a tear in her esophagus that was bleeding!


Ok, so if you know me at all, I rarely make rash decisions, it takes me at least three days to pack to go anywhere for any amount of time, and I am not at all spontaneous...

Well, I left work with no word as to when I would return...(thank you awesome boss) I then had to make arrangements for my teenage niece, then I packed in about 5 minutes and hit the road - MY BABY GIRL WAS IN THE HOSPITAL FACING SURGERY AND I WASN'T THERE!!!

Then, my beautiful sister called me and told me to pick her up in Syracuse - she was coming with me - yay sister!  

So here's a pictorial summary of my race to be by my girl's side...

The Reading, PA gigantic-est hospital I've ever seen in my life - that's my sister Patti and my oldest daughter, Paige walking toward the building...

Our own private family "resting room".  You heard me right - a personal "resting room".  How stinkin cool is that?  (Aunt Kelli, Aunt Patti and Paige) - get your feet off the table girls!

Laice, waiting to see what they are going to do to her...

Laice's arms were covered with bruises and gauze because they couldn't get the needles in..the first ten times!...

The yummiest restaurant for lunch EVER!  Gouda Cheese - you rock!

My baby girl post surgery - awwww, poor baby..

And finally...Out to get some air a few days after surgery... who ever thought someone could be so happy riding in a Walmart cruiser!  That coupled with a couple of Percocet made for a nice smile...

Of course that smile didn't last long - kind of rough after she got back home - 

But she's on the up and leaving her to come home today was one of the hardest things ever!  

I have to give accolades to my oldest, Paige.  She thought quick, made her sister go to the ER, witnessed lots of terrible things that I didn't get there for, and stayed strong the whole time.  Thank you Paigey for being the best big sister ever.

I left at 7:00am to beat the "snow" that was supposed to come this afternoon.  Got to Watertown just in time!  

Now, to get back into my structured, systematic lifestyle.  And though my brain is here, half my heart is in PA where my girls will continue to experience life on their own.....(sigh) 


1 comment:

  1. What a tough week! Glad she is better and you are home. You are a good mama, and I'm so glad you were able to be there!
