Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fun With Kids!

Sometimes I miss my kids being kids.  I can still hardly believe that they are grown up, living on their own and out of state.  

I miss playing, I miss cuddling, I miss talking about kid stuff, I miss kid movies, I miss kid books - I miss it all!  

BUT - An almost empty nester does not mean you can't still have fun with kids.  

This weekend Cassie and I spent the night with my niece (Ashlee 10) and nephew (Jackson 5)  so their parents could go have some fun adult time together. 

I think it was us who had the fun...

We started off the day at the YMCA to watch Ashlee's soccer game...

See ya later mom and dad - have fun all  by yourselves!

Oh yeah - up to our elbows in cookie dough...

Softball game in the kitchen!   sshhhhh....

These kids know how to build some pretty cool forts...

And now we settle down with lots of fun snacks and a movie - "The Box Trolls"...

And now it's bedtime - well, if you count watching a basketball game in bed bedtime...

Goodnight you two, I love you to pieces...

I could also cover lots of great and funny conversations that were had over the last two days, but my favorite was this one...

Me - I really hate some of these risque commercials on anymore.
Ashlee -  Don't worry Aunt Terri, I had "the talk".
Me - Oh is that so?  And who gave you this talk? 
Ashlee - My Mamma 
Me - Well that's good.  So, what did you think about it? 
Ashlee - just one word, (spelling it out as she looked at me with some very intense eyes)   G.R.O.S.S.   


Oh how I miss this stuff.   

Hey, if you don't have any kids in your family - find some!  They are so much fun.  I can hardly wait to be a grandma after spending the weekend with Ashlee and Jackson.