Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Greatest Illustration...

Hello there!  Have you missed me?  

Well this is a short blog to let you know I have been otherwise engaged and so had to slack on my blog for a couple of weeks.  

Then I thought I would write a nice long one this week, but hey, it's Holy Week and I got distracted.  

I know, I should have lots of contemplation time and quiet time and therefore should have lots of time to pen a blog....but here's the thing...

Holy Week for me always consumes me.  It occupies my mind and

makes it difficult to think about anything else.  

I mean, can you imagine what Jesus went through this past week?  Knowing he was going to be tortured and slaughtered and knowing he didn't do anything to deserve it?  It brings me to my knees to think He went through that for me.  

Here's a question for you..

What would you do if someone came right up to you and spit in your face when you didn't do anything to them?  Really, what would you do?  

As I walked through this past week I couldn't help but be moved as I read about what He suffered each day...

Talking to His disciples about His death...

Meeting with them on Thursday for their last meal together...

Dying on Friday - I work at a church so we set a dark scene of candles and images of Jesus as contemplative instrumental music played through the halls - and offering communion to remember His sacrifice...

Then tomorrow...HE IS RISEN! He conquered death by rising on Sunday - a proven hope for all people.  

I am so thankful, so hopeful, so grateful that He went through that for me.  And I am so thankful to all those who have fought and suffered and died for our freedom to celebrate my risen Savior on Easter Sunday. 

I mean, put yourself in the place of Mary Magdalene.  A whore, a nobody, hated by society - but loved by Jesus - then she loses him to execution - when she goes to visit his grave - finds that he has risen from the dead - can you even imagine the hope she must have felt?  

If you want to see an amazing video go to youtube and search "Alive" - W, Lyrics by natalie grant 

I couldn't get it to post here but here's what it will look like

You should come to Life Church on Thompson Blvd. to celebrate with me.  Service starts at 11:15am but if you want a free breakfast come at 9:45.  The service is going to be super special.  We will start with a contemplative remembrance of his suffering that will explode into a celebration of His life and our HOPE.  

Now, for some fun tidbits...

Hey, if you comment I would love to hear some of your Easter traditions...

Did you know that if you wrap eggs in silk and dip them in vinegar and water the pattern on the silk will transfer onto the eggs?  Check this out it's soooo cool!  

 "Here is the amazing thing about Easter; the Resurrection Sunday for Christians is this, that Christ in the dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible." -- TD Jakes

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