Saturday, April 25, 2015

The First Quarter

The first quarter of this new year is over.  

It's been a "red letter" year for the Ward family...

And being an almost empty nester made it...well....HARD!  

BUT...we Wards are pretty hardy and at this point we are not complaining - nope, in fact, we are kind of laughing...

So first, my daughter Laice had a gallbladder attack and torn esophagus and had emergency surgery - at which time I left work one day not knowing when I would return (because my Laice is in PA and I'm not - they still need their mamma sometimes even if they are all grown up - sort of)

I spent a week with her helping my other daughter, Paige, nurse her back to health (the details are in a previous blog)...

Then I returned home and got stranded with a flat tire - the ridiculous thing is that I had all brand new tires!  It was freezing and AAA took two hours to get to me - then they sent a guy with no air and no tools to change my tire - great.  They said they could send someone else but I would have to wait again - SO I had the unprepared (but very nice) guy tow me to where I bought the tire...

Next, I was riding with my boss in my truck and BOOM!  The emergency brake broke into pieces and got stuck in a whole bunch of other stuff which made it impossible to drive (oh, and did I mention "my guy" had just inspected my truck 1 week before that happened?!!)...

During all that and around two weeks after Laice's surgery, she fell and broke her leg in three places...nuff said there...

Then Laice's boyfriend, Spencer, was in a terrible accident on Route 81 that caused a multi (and I mean multi) car pileup that totaled his vehicle...

Next our beloved Boston Terrier, Weezer, 

decided to get into a wrestling match with a porcupine - the porcupine won.. Weezer had to have surgery and was a total mess...swollen face and nose, bleeding, sores, - you name it...

After that I came down with a nasty flu/bronchial thing that laid me out straight  for over a week - I actually missed work!  That rarely happens...
Cassie helping around the sick house

then Cassie got the nasty bug - and Ronnie followed suit - the house of sick - that's what we were for a good month...

Then, I got sick again!!  Seriously?!  Again?...

And then Ronnie's truck broke down...back to the shop we go...

Then Weezer fell and hurt his leg - he's still not walking on it... What to do, what to do...

I started working out and actually was getting ready to start a "couch to 5K" program, and now, incomprehensibly, I am sick again - yes again - so I went to my doctor and demanded she find out what the heck!!!!  Enough!!  

Well there were other things less drastic in-between all this drama - but here's the thing...

Now when something happens - we are laughing and throwing our arms up  - Also, it helped us think of the positives...

At least it was only a gallbladder, and my boss is very understanding...
At least it was only a flat tire, I had AAA tow, and they fixed it for free...
At least I don't really need an emergency brake to drive...
At least Laice fell at work, so it's all covered under Comp...
At least Spencer escaped (thank God!) and now he has an awesome truck...
At least we were able to have Weezer's quills removed...
At least we have insurance so we can get better...
At least Ron was able to fix his own truck (and afford me some entertainment as I watched a belt slap back and wrap around him a couple times before he actually got it on right - )
At least I'm not in hospital with something serious..
At least Weezer has a comfy bed to lay down in, and he is carefully walking on it today...
At least when I'm better I have a partner to work out with...(I'm coming Carla!!!)

So there, so many positives right?  I have no doubt that the second part of 2015 is going to be better - and if it's not - then our tough skin will be all that more tough for the third quarter!  

Ok, 2015 - you don't scare us...the Ward's are rushing in! 

Hey, there's nowhere to go but up right? 


  1. Well..I got nothing!!.....time to put on the boxing gloves and punch the heck out of the rest of 2

  2. Well..I got nothing!!.....time to put on the boxing gloves and punch the heck out of the rest of 2

  3. Hang in there! You are awesome and the rest of the year HAS to be great :) And yes, I'm ready to work out whenever you are better...and it stops snowing!
