Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Anniversary

As an almost empty nester I have been through many many lifetime changes.

I know it's hard to believe because I look so young (mhmm, I said that) - but believe me - this broad has a  lot of life under her belt.

Today is my 33rd wedding anniversary and I have to say that one sweet thing about getting older.  is that Wedding anniversaries actually get better.

I don't know, maybe it's a pride thing (wow we made it!),

Or maybe it's just that we experience so many things together that we feel like our bond is solid.

Maybe it's this little family we have created and it's our safe place,

Or maybe it's just that trusting in true love really is everlasting.

Because let's face it - if you have been in love for real you know that
  Love can be blissful
  Love can be hurtful
  Love can be messy
  Love can be beautiful
  Love can be ugly
  Love  can make us sane
  Love can make us crazy
  Love can be a scary place
  and Love can feel like a safe place.

If ever we needed to feel like we are in a safe place it's now.  But with that we just have to accept all the other things that come with it because most if not all of those "cans" in that list will inevitably be "wills" at one time or another - but here's the key - never give up!

Well, I feel kind of preachy today so I'm just going to post some pictures for you that represents my 33 years with the man that I promised I would go through life with ...

pre - marriage...


a good day before the palsey

       today, still a good day, after the palsey                        

                   two beauties that God gave to us...

                                  another special gift to our little family

And after 33 years we can have a little more fun in gift giving for anniversary rather than following the anniversary calendar of silver, gold, white - whatever -  check it out!

the most decadent chocolate covered strawberries from our thoughtful daughters...  notice how they had to tell me to share - some things we just have to keep working on...ha

new running sneakers (or tennis shoes for you non-native north country-ers) as a gift of encouragement from my hubby!  How sweet!

Getting ready to hit the treadmill....

and of course since I am working on being healthier and that includes learning more about the worst job ever - food preparation, Ronnie knew these would give me some motivation...

One last word of advice:  a great way to keep a marriage healthy and happy is to know when some things just won't ever change...

1 comment:

  1. love it and all so very true...happy anniversary you two!!
