Saturday, January 17, 2015

Food Thoughts

We are well into the new year, and I am well on my way to a healthier lifestyle.  I've been reading this book called "Trim Healthy Mama" and am trying to learn to eat healthier.

Now, if you know me at all, you know that I loathe (and I do mean loathe) food preparation of any kind.

However, I do know a few things...

For instance, I am an expert on chocolate. And there are certain things that you just do and do not do when it comes to chocolate.

I know that if you eat chocolate, and then you don't eat chocolate, the potential for a "lack of chocolate headache" is imminent.

I know that dark chocolate is a healthier choice (but if you're a true chocolate lover like myself, the dark is not your favorite).

I know that if you only like white chocolate, you are also not a true chocolate lover although you are closer than those who prefer dark chocolate.

Something very important...when eating different types or brands of chocolate you have to go up the scale and not the other way around.  Let me give you some examples...

For instance if you have a random chocolate...let's say easter egg and  a reese's peanut butter cup,you must eat the easter egg chocolate first.  Since reese's (these examples are all in my humble opinion of course) is a better grade of chocolate, that has to be eaten second or the egg will lose its pizzaz.

The same goes if you have a reese's and a hershey's kiss.  The Reese's must be eaten first as hershey's is way better.

Another example is if you have a hershey's kiss and a Lindt ball.  Now if you have never had a Lindt ball, you must run out and get one - almost nothing touches a Lindt ball for chocolate.  Ghiradelli might be a close second, but I think it just slightly misses the mark.

Other things I could tell you about chocolate include:
    if you're going to put chocolate in your milk, hershey's all of a sudden becomes top shelf
    if you're going to melt chocolate for a recipe, you will eat some first (it can't be avoided)

Okay, so how did I get on a rant about chocolate?  Oh, I know, I'm eating healthier and learning (ugh, double ugh) to prepare food in a healthier way

so of course...


but...all is not lost - I am actually in the midst of making a healthy egg-muffin breakfast with lots of spinach, onions and peppers

and..I am adding the "full of antioxidants" blood orange (see, I'm learning a thing or two) on the side

I love oranges and these are super healthy, but I'm still having a hard time getting the whole blood thing out of my mind so of course they taste like blood to me.  Well not really, I mean, well sort of, but they're sweet, and good, and red - dark dark red, and...


1 comment:

  1. lol you crack me are a definite chocolate expert...loved your blog as usual...
