Saturday, June 27, 2015

Let's Talk About the Weather

Ok, summer is here - what I'm about to say will make some of you gasp - your jaws will drop and you will think I'm a liar.  I promise you that what I'm about to say is true - absolutely true...


That's right - I loathe it.  Here are some reasons: 
 - I don't like hot
- I don't like humid
How I feel about summer
 - I don't like mowing
- I don't like bugs
- I don't like kids telling me how bored they are
- I don't like air conditioning (it makes me feel all bottled up and stuffy)
- I don't like skimpy clothes
...I could go on

Ok, but here's why I can tolerate it:
- I absolutely love gardening
- I love flowers of all kinds
- I love hanging on the front porch
- I love open windows
- I love sheets that dry outside
- I love thunder storms and cloudy breezy days...etc. etc. 

I can say I don't like it because I don't.  People always tell me to remember winter and how horrible it was - ummm, not horrible, awesome - In fact, I love winter.  Cold snowy days, warm fuzzy slippers, pellet stove smell, snowy owls, critters burrowed in and silent until spring...

Me and Cassie having fun in winter...

I like spring because it just smells so good.  You know what I mean?  That fresh spring smell that puts everyone in a good mood? Some people complain about the rain but I love the rain.  Seriously, I do.  I was running a kids camp and on the night we were supposed to have a bonfire it rained.  

Just look at this picture and see what we did.  2200 tea lights later and we had an indoor fire - the kids absolutely love love loved it and we even cooked s'mores over the tea lights.  Oh yeah.  

I even hated summer when I was a teenager - I promise I did.  Here's a picture of me when I was 16 years old.  I was at Disneyland - it was 98 degrees and I was sooo miserable!  Who's miserable at disneyland?  This chick, that's who!

My favorite time of year is fall.  I love love love fall.  There are so many reasons to love it ya know?

-pumpkin spice lattes
-flannel shirts
-clean crisp cool air- duh, the colors
-the anticipation of the first snowfall
-all the holidays!
-pumpkin patches and mums
...I could use up this entire blog with a list 

Oh! and the time change.  I don't like it to be light when I'm going to bed and dark when I get up.  Now, being my age and and almost empty nester - I feel young when it gets dark early because even if I go out and come home by 8:00pm, I feel like I've put in a whole night!  haha.  

Bottom line - I can't stand to be hot and sweaty (unless it's following a good workout and there's a shower waiting).

Think about's dusk, it's snowing a pretty big flake kind of snow, completely silent outside, the snow is starting to sparkle as the moon comes out - then out of the corner of your eye you see a snowy white owl sitting on a branch.... 

A night like that is perfection. 

How about you?  What's your favorite time of year and why?  I would love to hear about it! 


  1. Nope..not a taker here...don't like the bugs or the heat, but I hate winter more!!

  2. Nope..not a taker here...don't like the bugs or the heat, but I hate winter more!!

  3. Nope..not a taker here...don't like the bugs or the heat, but I hate winter more!!

  4. Nope..not a taker here...don't like the bugs or the heat, but I hate winter more!!

  5. Love this post! The more I get to know you...the more I like you! Haha. I hated summer in Texas. Too too hot. But I am really enjoying the summers here! Actually I have really enjoyed every season now that I live in s place that has seasons!
