Saturday, March 5, 2016

Was That a Real Conversation?

It's been so long since I've posted here.   

Life has taken some crazy turns since my last post - but more on that later..., I HAVE to share with you what happens when twopeople, who have been together for more than 40 years, find themselves in a weird conversation - and think nothing of it.  

Yes, that happened.  Last night at about 3:00am.  

For those who know me, I am a fantasy geek.  I love fantasy books, fantasy movies, fantasy shows, fantasy gardens - you know, anything to "take me away" for awhile.  Now my husband is the polar opposite - for his reading and watching pleasures - if someone isn't bleeding to death, causing someone else to bleed to death, driving cars through the air at 200mph, playing a mean guitar, or wearing cleats and uniforms and throwing balls around - he's not interested.  What does that have to do with anything? Keep reading.  Don't get me wrong - I too love a mean guitar.  

I live in an old farmhouse.  So all of our bedrooms are upstairs, and our one bathroom is downstairs - next to the root cellar door.  (it's one of those root cellars that has a dirt floor, and my husband often goes down there to fiddle with the furnace or other important things that I have no clue about)  I had to get up around 3am and go downstairs, and as I was walking down the hall to the bathroom (it was dark - I didn't want to wake up my brain by turning on the lights)  I walked right through what felt like a pile of dirt (and yes, I was in my bare feet).  

So, I wiped my feet off and decided I would check it out and clean it up in the morning.  I went back upstairs and climbed back into bed - and that's when it started - the conversation, in the dark, while laying in bed - here's how it went...

Me:  Ron, why is there a pile of dirt in the hallway?
Ron: It's from the cellar
Me: Ok, again, why is there a pile of dirt in the hallway? 
Ron:  Some guy named Dobby must have done it
Me: Dobby?  You mean like a house elf?
Ron: Yep.  They live down there.  They eat the rats
Me: Rats?  We have rats?  
Ron: No, the house elves eat them
Me: Well, how do they get down there?  You blocked the door from the outside.  
Ron:  They are small, they can get in. 
Me: Ok, well house elves don't eat rats
Ron: Yes they do
Me:  No, house elves definately don't eat rats.  Trolls eat rats. But it couldn't have been a troll because they are big.
Ron:  Now you're just stereotyping.  Trolls don't have to be big.  It depends on what kind of troll they are.
Me:  Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't a troll.  I would know if a troll lived in the cellar.  They are clumsy and noisy.  
Ron:  Stop stereotyping the big guys.  

now there was about a 15 minute pause of silence where I was almost falling asleep..

Ron: It's molemen.  
Me: What? 
Ron: Molemen.  They are in the cellar.  
Me: Ok, what are molemen? 
Ron:  You know, molemen.  They are vicious.  They rip the heads off the rats.  And they can get in anywhere.
Me: And you know this how? 
Ron:  Well duh.  I saw them
Me: Saw what? 
Ron:  The bones
Me: What bones?  What are you talking about? 
Ron:  The rat bones - without their heads.  Are you not listening to me? 
Me: Ok, so vicious molemen made their way into our root cellar and are ripping heads off rats 
Ron:  No, they are biting the heads off and then eating them
Me: Ok well that's super gross. 
Ron:  I didn't do it. It is what it is
Me: How do you know it's molemen?
Ron:  Well it's obvious isn't it?  The proof is in the pile of dirt.  I don't know why they would be coming up from the root cellar and into the house though.  But they obviously did.  
Me:  Well, whatever it is you need to get a grip on it.  I don't like walking through my house and finding a pile of dirt.  
Ron: Ok, maybe I can create a small bridge or damn down there for the trolls - then they can kill the molemen
Me: Then who will kill the rats? 
Ron:  One thing at a time Terri.  Do I look like superman to you? 
Ron:  Snore.......

Soooooo, yeah, that really happened.  I stayed awake for about an hour after that listening to him snore and laughing to myself.  I guess when you live with each other for so long something is bound to rub off.  

I do have a Minnesota Vikings sweatshirt -  but I'm not ready to night-talk about football yet...