Saturday, August 15, 2015

Opposites Attract - the Myth and the Reality

We weren't always opposites - my husband and I.  Or were we?  

Lately I have been trying to live Wildly Alive - in laymen's terms - healthier and more active...this has brought to my attention some things (after 35 years - see, you never REALLY know someone completely!) that we have had to work on - well, I'm working on them - then I will work on him (insert evil laugh)...

Ok, take for instance music (there will be an in-depth music blog soon so we will just touch on it here)...

He loves Alternative, Hard Rock - all the time, everywhere he goes, every waking moment of his life, like when I'm cooking in the kitchen, or when he's cooking and I'm trying to watch TV in the other room, or when I'm trying to sleep, or... (sorry, I was beginning to rant)

Ron's choice

Alice in Chains is just one among many...
   Pearl Jam
Anyway, you get the idea

I, on the other hand, enjoy music that is a bit more subtle...

My choice

You know, a bit more mellow, relaxing...
  All Sons and Daughters
  Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
  Joe Cocker

I have recently realized that we have had this opposite musical taste all our lives - however we have learned to grow into each other's musical mojo.  

For instance, when we were young we both loved Todd Rundgren - well, that's an understatement -we may have been obsessed - slightly - well, ok, cult followers - Anyhoo...

I like a little Weezer, Muse, Foo Fighters or Shine Down every now and then...  And he will listen to Stevie Nicks, Johnny Cash and Steve Miller as well - 

But for now - when I can't take another second of the alternative hard rock bellowing through my entire house - Ronnie will go out to the garage and be like...

Here are more opposites that are very apparent in our household...

Ronnie's idea of entertainment

my idea of entertainment

And then there's this...

Ronnie's bed after getting up...

and mine....

Then there's my table space where I do all my, well, stuff...

And... Ronnie's table space....(really Ron?)

Ok and one more just so you get a clear picture...

Ronnie's idea of a neatly stacked
wood pile...

And Mine...

All that to say - if you're going to marry an opposite or be in a relationship with an opposite - you better put your patience hat on and plan to enter into a world that is super challenging ...

But.... super interesting and exciting....

   Plan to be surprised
   Plan to be annoyed
   Plan to compromise
   Plan to stand up for yourself
   But mostly...plan to NOT try and change you or your partner - 


So I suggest making yourself a dream board with 5 things you want to feel and do every single day of  your life.  And when your opposite gets on your every nerve - retreat - and look at your board - and remember who you are - take a deep breath - and remember why you love that person - and be at peace with it -

It works for us - and we just see it this way...

Cup half full ladies and gents...cup half full!